A Raspberry Pi Zero that polls the Transport for London Unified API for the bus times for the K3 bus to Surbiton Station from my local bus stop (and back again).
, the next K3 bus from the Cumberland Drive stop on Manor Road North to Surbiton is in 16 mins
, the next K3 bus from the Surbiton Station stop on Claremont Road towards the Cumberland Drive stop on Manor Road North is in 4 mins
.Here's a link to an experiment I've been trying, using the TFL API and the Telegram Messaging App automated bot running on a Raspberry Pi Zero. Download the telegram app and look for 'k3busbot'
Here's a link to my first Raspberry Pi experiment - a weather station located in my garden.
Thames Ditton WeatherHere's a link to my EnviroPHat PiZero - a sensor on a Pi Zero polled every minute.
Stu73's EnviroPHatWebpage designed based on responsive boilerplate getskeleton.com.
Responsive Google Map code from labnol.org and map-embed.com.