When is my next K3 bus?

A Raspberry Pi Zero that polls the Transport for London Unified API for the bus times for the K3 bus to Surbiton Station from my local bus stop (and back again).

As of 18:02:10, the next K3 bus from the Cumberland Drive stop on Manor Road North to Surbiton is in 16 mins.
The bus number plate is YX60CAV.
As of 18:02:09, the next K3 bus from the Surbiton Station stop on Claremont Road towards the Cumberland Drive stop on Manor Road North is in 4 mins.

The bus number plate is SN60EBA.

Try the Telegram K3BusBot!

Here's a link to an experiment I've been trying, using the TFL API and the Telegram Messaging App automated bot running on a Raspberry Pi Zero. Download the telegram app and look for 'k3busbot'


Some more of my Raspberry Pi Experiments

Here's a link to my first Raspberry Pi experiment - a weather station located in my garden.

Thames Ditton Weather

Here's a link to my EnviroPHat PiZero - a sensor on a Pi Zero polled every minute.

Stu73's EnviroPHat


Webpage designed based on responsive boilerplate getskeleton.com.

Responsive Google Map code from labnol.org and map-embed.com.